Sam Henkes


Junior in Computer Science at Iowa State University

ISU Game Development Club President

Current Employment:
Software Engineer Contractor


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About Particle System

Project description: (Finished - December 2018)
As a final project for Computer Graphics (COMS 336), I collaborated with Ben Kramer to make a customizable particle system using JavaScript, HTML, and WebGL. We completed the Particle System over the course of about 2 weeks and demonstrated our project in front of the class. This was one of my favorite projects to work on because of how modular it was to work on and how impactful optimizations of the Particle System were. In development, we discovered a few different uses for our newly created Particle System by adjusting different values as shown below.




Next Steps

We achieved our original goals in making the Particle System, but if we come back to it we have a few things we would like to do.
